The legendary finger

 In the picture is one of the fingers of the astronomer Galileo Galilei, who died in 1642 Three fingers were removed from Galileo's hand (two of them were missing, namely the thumb and middle one from his right hand, as an Italian marquis kept them in a container that his family passed down from generation to generation, but they were lost for a long time, in addition to a tooth belonging to Galileo that had been removed from his jaw) and a vertebra when his remains were transferred to a new grave in 1737, 95 years after his burial

The finger (middle finger) is shown today In the Museum of the History of Science in Florence, Italy, the bone vertebra is in the University of Padua, where Galileo studied for many years.

The two fingers and the missing tooth were found in 2009 at a public auction and it was confirmed that they belong to Galileo’s remains. Currently, the group (the two fingers and the tooth) is kept in the Galileo Museum in Florence, Italy.

For those who do not know Galileo Galilei!! He invented the first engineering thermometer, and he conducted many studies on relative motion and the laws of falling objects. He made a telescope with two lenses, through which he confirmed that the universe has continuous movement and is not constant.

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